
Heres How The Session Flows



Private sessions begin with a short guided breathwork experience to quiet the mind, and ease the body into a more meditative state.


Once grounded, we move into the reiki healing, set to a meditation soundtrack as you drift to a place of deep rest and open up to the healing energy.

Intuitive Reading

Focusing on your greatest good, and in connection with the flow of Reiki, we will review messages received during the session, and an email copy will be sent to your inbox.


 what is REIKI?

The technique is called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage healing on all levels of being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Science has shown that when one is receiving Reiki, or giving it, their brain moves into an alpha state which is the relaxed state the brain is in during meditation or while drifting off to sleep. Studies have shown that Reiki increases the white blood cell count, relieves both chronic and acute pain and eases anxiety, depression and insomnia. 


- Significantly Reduce Stress

- Lessen Anxiety

- Lower Depression Responses

- Control Overall Pain Levels

- Align/Balance Chakras

- Cleanse/Clear Aura

- Sense of Openness
