


 what is breathwork?

There are many types of breathwork practices out there, as breathing has been around for as long as we’ve been alive. The breathwork experience you’ll participate in with me is basically a version of pranayama with diaphragmatic breathing as the focus. Most of us are not using our diaphragm when breathing, leaving only shallow chest breathing, and holding tension in the shoulder area. Breathwork is meant to get you into your belly breath, breathing deeper and with more intention.

benefits of breathwork:

-Releasing negative energy in the body

-Letting go of stuck emotions that block you 

-Gaining clarity on life matters 

-Feeling a sense of openness and ease 

-Euphoric dream state of consciousness 

-Overwhelming forgiveness 

-Allowing abundance in your life 

-Clearing of past traumas and deep painful hurts 

-Waking up spiritually 

-Stress release 

-Ease of headaches, or physical bodily pains


“Breathwork allows us to disconnect from the mind and reconnect with our body and inner energy. From this elevated state of awareness, we are able to heal, grow, and expand.”



  Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a session? 

 The active breathing will be somewhere around 20 minutes, but the class lasts an hour or so, depending on how long you like to soak into the meditation at the end..


What is the tingling feeling?

Due to the oxygen intake you feel a tingling sensation in your fingers and potentially other areas. (Similar to your foot falling asleep). This is temporary and will fade away as soon as the breathing technique is finished.

Will I be safe?

Yes, absolutely. No one has ever been harmed doing breathwork. Ever. You are in complete control of your breathing the entire time.


Do I need to cry for it to work?

Nope! Crying is not a sign of breathwork working, it’s just something that happens to a lot of us, as most of society is not allowed to shed tears when they should. (or ever). This is the perfect time to let a tear fall - but you will have an indescribable experience as long as you show up and give your all. Feelings of lightness, openness, and ease are the most common symptoms of breathwork class.

Am I doing the breathing correct?

Everyone thinks they are doing the breathing wrong, and typically everyone is doing it right. We go over the technique at the start of every class - you can practice and ask questions


Do I have to be alone to take the class?

Nope! Before 2020 hit we use to practice in a large space with many people breathing together. You can breathe with your family, roomates, or anyone who’s near you - but it’s best if you are comfortable with them, so you can truly be yourself and fully let go.