


 what is Meditation?

There are many types of meditation, and I truly believe that the best one for you is the one that you’ll actually sit down and do. Meditation works, there are plenty of studies done with solid proof causing less stress, more acceptance and greater peace. The more  you meditate the more quickly you will discover a sense of calmness and inner harmony, which in turn will help you cope with the pressures of everyday life. Like anything worth having in your life, meditation is a practice that takes time and dedication to see and feel results. Guided or unguided, focused, spiritual, mantra, movement or mindfulness meditation, they are all a great place to start.

meditation SESSIONS:

- Guided Private Sessions

- Integrative Breathing Meditation

- Chakra Balancing

- Children’s Meditation

- Corporate Group Sessions

- Intention Setting

- Directed Reiki Meditation
